
Friday, October 11, 2013

Creamy Grape Dessert

Can you believe how FAST the year has gone by?  Geez, I sound like someone's mother (oh yeah, I am).  To be honest with everyone, this has not been a good Perfect 10 year for me but as you can tell by my continual 'keep calm and carry on' posts, I haven't given up.  And in keeping with being honest, I've gained back most of the weight I lost last year - so sorry, I sort of feel like a fraud - but there's no one else who has taken the baton and carried on with helping out all of us.  The Perfect 10 Facebook page hasn't been updated since April, I'm the only one checking and answering questions (free of charge I might add).  The Perfect 10 website hasn't been updated since 2010 I think.  Sorry to have sour grapes - but you all are the only people I can talk to about Perfect 10 - and we're scattered all over the country/world.  I'm almost considering going on Craigslist and seeing if anyone else in the county is trying to work the P10 and if they want to get together and hold meetings!  Do you guys Skype?  Is it possible to do a group Skype?   Would any of you be interested?

This has just been a really difficult year, emotionally, physically and financially.  We cut up our credit cards and are now trying to live just off of what we make - and that's TOUGH!!  
I owe apologies to all the people who have asked 'how do you do P10 Diet on a budget?' and I'd just say 'oh yeah try the farmer's market' - well, now that I'm actually really doing P10 on a budget, I can say: 


Thanks for listening to me and hopefully not judging me for being a real person and not some diet/workout guru with six pack abs and no body fat.  I'm trying to do all of this without financing, without support, without a personal chef, without a personal trainer and without a net!!  (Oh hey, that's the same way you are all doing it too!!)

Now that we're done with sour grapes, let's change the subject to some sweet grapes!

This is another recipe courtesy of Gina’s Skinny Recipes, her website is  You can find a lot of P10-worthy recipes.  She's a wiz at coming up with wonderful recipes that are healthy for you!  

photo courtesy of
Gina says - This dessert is highly addictive and hard to stop eating! Don't be fooled by the humble ingredients, this is easy to make, very refreshing, and is perfect to bring to a BBQ. This is one of those recipes you'll be making again and again and chances are you probably have all the ingredients in your kitchen. Easily doubles for more people.

Creamy Grape Dessert
makes 8 servings

1 lb green seedless grapes, washed and dried well
1 lb red seedless grapes, washed and dried well
8 oz Greek yogurt, full fat
4 oz cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup agave
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tablespoons coconut sugar, packed
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (or pecans)


Cut grapes in half and set aside.

Mix yogurt, cream cheese, agave and vanilla until blended well. Stir grapes into mixture, and pour in large serving dish.

Combine coconut sugar and crushed walnuts. Sprinkle over top of grapes to cover completely. Chill until ready to serve.

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